Thursday, October 14, 2010

Would you donate online?

I don't know about you guys but I personally hate it when people approach me on the street asking me to donate to charity. I hate it for two reasons;

1= One of my friends used to do it as work and she was earning serious cash, the earning of cash doesn't bother me as much as ...

2= They try and make you feel guilty for not giving to a good cause when they are probably thinking about they're own pocket. THAT IS ANNOYING

But when I think about it I don't really know what the alternative is? Donating online with no face to face contact??
Are people that altruistic? Doesn't seem like the Red Cross think we are... maybe we do need to be guilted into donation.

What do you think? Do you think that charities could utilise the internet to their advantage in some way. Do you think that you would ever make the conscious decision to visit a website and donate with no prompt?


  1. Personally, i don't believe people will donate money to a charity via a website with out some prompting.

    While I do not like the people who stand on the street asking you to give them 5 minutes so they can convince you to donate. They do spread awareness and have often encouraged me before when I tell them I don't have time to visit the website.

    I think charities should make greater use of social media websites such as facebook and twitter to create greater awareness and encourage people to donate. I know YGAP is doing this and i think other charities should follow their lead.

  2. Me too.
    I think that social network are a fantastic way to interact with people and encourage them to become involved in social issues
