Thursday, October 14, 2010

It really is kinda genius

Has anyone used genius playlist.
I didn't even know what that it was until about a month ago but now i kinda love it.
                                                                                       sourced from iTunes

How genius works is you set it up on your itunes and then when you play music, itunes suggest other music that you that is similar that it thinks you will suit your taste. And you can also use it one your ipod or iphone when playing music by choosing a song and pressing a button which creates a playlist suited to the song that you have chosen. I like it because instead of just playing all your music on shuffle, it creates a list that suits the style of music you want to listen to instead of jumping from one fast paced song to the slowest song you have.

                                                                                                Sourced from iTunes

I think this is a really great marketing strategy as the few times I have used genius suggestions and bought music I have been really happy so I am a lot more likely to trust the suggestions they have made and buy music that itunes suggests.
I like it, but what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I didn't ever know what this is but figured it out about 2 weeks ago and now I really like it.
    Great marketing stratergy by iTunes
